الأحد، 25 يوليو 2010


Set the recorder on a flat surface at any haunted location.andLeave the tape running
and go take break somewhere, so that when you shut the door, you'll recognize it on the tape. Noises can travel great distances outdoors, and even be carried on the wind Distant "normal" noises may be confused for ghost sounds or vice versa.Also, try to record on days that are calm. Not only can the wind be recorded, but so can the sounds of trees .

Indoor locations: Explore another part of the haunted location that's as far away as possible from where you're recording. Ideally, close the door to the room the recorder is in. Again, the best thing to do would be to leave the location for a little while. Also, be careful not to set the tape recorder next to windows (open or closed), air conditioners, vents or heaters. Glass is thin, and noises from outside can easily be recorded. And although the echo may sound killer, trying to decipher anything said that's echoing in a vent or duct might be difficult. And if anything like a vent or heater were to kick on, you will have spent 30 minutes recording just that While you're setting up your equipment, speak in normal loud tones. Avoid whispering...you'll find that that might not be so easy to do, though. Because we're taping and we don't want to tape ourselves, it's human nature to try to be as quiet as possible.

on the other hand
Set up your tape recorder. Set yourself up comfortably. You don't want to be moving around trying to get comfortable while the tape is running. The sounds will be recorded, and will make any EVPs difficult to hear. Also, bring extra batteries as ghosts can drain them…you may need to change them during the interview.

Politely invite the ghost or ghosts who are present to talk to you. Let them know that you'd like to ask them some questions that they are free to answer should they wish. Remember that ghosts do have feelings, and that they're not "things" but ex-people, real people...they're not idiots, so treat them with the same kind of respect that you would treat another human being. Be polite. This about how you'd want to be spoken to, and speak to them the same way.

Turn on the recorder. When asking questions, ask in a clear, loud voice. You want to make sure that your voice can easily be identified when the tape is played back. It would help to have a list of questions so that you can stay focused. Keep your list of questions short. If for some reason you can also hear the ghost responding to your questions, then by all means, keep asking questions until they stop responding. Collect as much as you can when the opportunity presents itself. But if you can't hear them, don't take chances of pushing your luck with their patience.

Start recording and ask your first question out loud. Give time for any ghost to answer you...a good tip is to mentally answer your question in your head, thus giving enough time for the ghost too. We usually recommend that you answer the question and still give a bit of time, just as insurance. You don't want to ask the next question and run over the ghost's answer if they answer late. Speaking is an effort for them, and they don't always answer as quickly as people do.

Be carful with your questions. Try not to ask anything that could be touchy..."So, did you really whack your folks with an axe?" might just hit a nerve. Good questions to ask would be for names, ages, family names, why they're here, or what year it is. By asking "what year is it?" you may get them to tell you [I]their[/I] year. You can also ask them if there's anything you can do for them, and remember that when you end the interview, thank them for their time whether you could hear anything or not. Also encourage them not to follow you home when you leave.

Final tip: when playing your tape back for the first time, have the volume turned down low. Sometimes ghosts can sound like they're right on top of the microphone, and the suddenness of hearing that for the first time can be frightening. Until you know exactly what is on that tape, we recommend that you keep the volume low the first time that you listen to it.

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